Monday, January 11, 2010



I’ve been in the ministry for 50 years–and every day I’m looking for something to do for God.

In 1959, my boyfriend, George DeTellis, opened a church in Medford, Massachusetts. I was 17 years of age. Our Saturday night dates consisted of going to Medford Square to the Colonial Theatre… up to a second floor room that we rented for church services. Together, we swept up the cigarette butts, picked up the beer bottles, hung a cross on the red drapery, rolled out the piano and set up the chairs. On Sunday mornings, my father let me borrow his station wagon. I did a transportation route, played the piano, taught Sunday School, and was the secretary and treasurer. My employer gave me permission to duplicate the church bulletins on their stencil machine. It’s no wonder that George asked me not to go to Bible School but to continue on in my role supporting his new ministry.

In 1960, I became the pastor’s wife. Our big Italian wedding gave us the finances to buy the former mayor’s home for the church. We took down the walls on the first floor to create a chapel. After six years of establishing a church, three children and three miscarriages, George gave up the keys and deeds to the house, church building, and a valuable piece of property next to an interstate. George started broadcasting on the radio and began travelling the East Coast as an evangelist.

In 1967, George accepted an inner city church in Worcester, Massachusetts. We opened the first coffeehouse in New England, and had three community houses working with the street people, directed a summer camp, and built a loving, strong congregation.

In 1975, I opened Women’s Aglow Fellowship in Worcester, and the following year became the President of New England Women’s Aglow Fellowship. Speaking throughout New England was a ride on the edge as I balanced being a pastor’s wife and mother to now four children.

In 1977, I went to India. Missions was my breath and passion. I established New England and World Missions.

In 1980, I became the president of Camp Woodhaven and in 10 months dedicated a chapel–my first construction project.

In 1982, New England and World Missions purchased land in Haiti. In 1983, George and I lived in a tent in Haiti.

In 1984, we resigned from our pastorate. I graduated from Clark University with a master’s degree in international development.

In 1992, I turned 50 years old in Haiti and planned a big birthday party–launching an evangelism event that opened more than 50 Bible studies in local villages.

In 2000, George and I moved to the Dominican Republic where I worked with George to open churches and schools, and was by his side during his
nine-year battle with cancer.

In 2008, George rested from his work, and I returned to the DR to resume directing the ministry.

In 2009, this may have been the most painful time of my life, but it has been the most exciting time of being used by God.

After 50 years of ministry, I still want to run alongside my great big adventurous God and see Him do marvelous things.

~ Jeanne DeTellis

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