Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Tribute to a Friend

Emile Thibodeau

Reflections from Pastor Dave Smith

Dear Fairview Alliance Church Family, Marcel, Janice, Norma, Kim, and other family members of Emile’s,

I was the Senior Pastor of Fairview Alliance Church from 1996 to 2004, and during this time I had the privilege of knowing Emile Thibodeau.

Emile and Theresa, were long standing members of Lakeshore Pentecostal Church, and for a variety of reasons began to attend the Fairview Alliance Church. We welcomed them to our church family, and Emile to our worship team.

It was not long after they began attending, Theresa died very unexpectedly and I recall the wonderful unified service we conducted at our church with the worship team and full participation of the Lakeshore Pentecostal Church congregation. It was a lovely service and a time to honour a loving mother and Emile’s best friend.

Emile had a number of challenges raising Janice and Marcel, and often lamented that his children were very saddened and missing the influence of their mother growing up. Despite his own loneliness he greatly loved his children and from my times visiting with him, I was always impressed with the way he managed to provide for his family and very capably looked after the meals, and maintained a very immaculate home for his family.

A few years later, at Emile and Kim’s request I performed the wedding ceremony that was to unite two lonely people and to provide comfort and companionship for both of them. I wasn’t around to see how this relationship played out, but was later told that Emile had once again found himself on his own.

As a pastor, I have always longed to see people come into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, to experience the majesty of our Sovereign God, to be comforted and empowered by the Holy Spirit, and to walk humbly before our God.

As I have reflected upon the life of Emile, as I have experienced him, Emile was a man who was acquainted with grief and sorrow, a man who did not live an easy life. He was a man who had many challenges, received few breaks, laboured for all that he had, and lived a very lonely and hard life.

Despite all of this, I have known Emile to be a very humble man. A man who was very gentle, kind, and generous. Emile Thibodeau possessed a very realistic view of himself, and added value to the people around him. Perhaps his greatest attribute was the very simple and childlike faith that he possessed.

When I think of Emile Thibodeau, I think about Jesus words... (in Matt. 5:1-12)

Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of Heaven

Blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted

Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they will be filled

Blessed are the merciful for they will be shown mercy

Blessed are the pure in heart for they will see God

Rejoice and be glad Emile, because great is your reward in heaven!

It has been my pleasure and privilege to know Emile, and I would like to express my deepest condolences to the family on this great loss. I will cherish my memories of this humble man and friend, and look forward to the day when I will see him again.


Pastor Dave

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